保罗·策兰(Paul Celan)的诗歌以其深刻的意象和隐喻著称,探讨存在、记忆、语言和沉默等主题,也经常新造词“Neologisms”,例如“空气石”“盲词”“心墙”,是词语的废墟重建,带有机器生成图像的拼贴质感,。在其诗作《花冠》(德语原文为”Corona”)中,他通过石头、水、花、眼、等自然意象描绘了人与世界、语言的复杂关系,以及存在的沉默、创伤与救赎。
Paul Celan’s poetry is renowned for its profound imagery and metaphors. He often introduces neologisms such as ”Blindenwort“ and ”Luftstein,“ which evoke a collage-like texture reminiscent of AI-generated images. In his poem ”Corona,“ Celan employs natural imagery—stones, water, flowers, eyes—to depict the intricate relationships between humanity and language, as well as the silence, trauma, and redemption inherent in existence.
In translating poetic imagery into visual time-based media, I incorporate my animations, sketches, and photographs taken in museums, utilizing artificial intelligence to transform static images into dynamic video segments. By integrating tools beyond an artist‘s hand, I explore the fusion of intuition and non-intuition. This permeation and coupling collectively reveal the internal flow between visual language and intuitive expression, creating a new dimension of perception.