关于“数码手指”: 握持手机的手退化为未来的“只有两只手指的人”,也就是数码人,不会亲手劳作和行动。手作为身体的最常用部分,在数码时代成为身体与设备的唯一连接被最经常使用,数码手指在这里代表一个未来人身体的神圣膜拜物。也许不完整的身体和活动退化才是人类走向人工和机器人的必经过程。
维兰 傅拉瑟预测说,使用数字设备的人们,在当下过着未来的“非物质生活”,其中一个特点就是“手的萎缩”,数字设备让人们的双手弯曲变形,但同时这又意味着摆脱物的重负。数码这个词与手指在拉丁语里同源,未来的人类将不再需要手,不再需要他们动手和加工,因为他们所处理的不是物质的东西,而只剩非物质的信息。取代手的是手指。新的人类将动指而不动手。
The “handless, two-fingering human being“ of the future—Homo digitalis—will not be a man of action. This hand is a sacred symbolic representation in which the body becomes degenerate as a result of the digitized world. Only the invalid’s body presents an opportunity for artificial body. Only the device gives us the option for a stronger belief. Perhaps the digital fingers create the base foundation for man-made machine. Vilém Flusser claimed that today’s human beings, equipped with digitalized apparatuses, are already living the “immaterial life of tomorrow”. Physical atrophy characterizes such an existence. Digital technology is making human hands waste away. It means liberation from the burden of matter. The term “digital” itself references the finger and the act of counting. In the future, humankind will no longer need hands. The new people of the future will no longer have to handle or work on anything with material. The new man will have 2 fingers of handling or acting.
When the body shrinks, it becomes exquisite and transforms into a higher order. It is no longer disgusting as a corpse, but like an immortal body, which blesses future generations to fulfill different wishes. The veneration for the dead, or the religion of remembrance, from earthly relics to fingers, are consecrated and collected in different places by different churches.
The 3D printed sculpture is a gesture of holding a cellphone single-handedly that is regarded as a symbolic deity for the human body of the future. It is exposed to light and stored in the sacred box, endowed with the aura of hierophant, so that the sense of belonging is consolidated and strengthened.
Human beings have regarded nature as hierophant but nowadays people are obsessed with mobile electronic devices in their daily lives. These contrasts that gently touch upon the anxieties about body alienation and faith transformation are in conflict. After the ancients died, they believed that their beliefs were not dead, but merely fell asleep. The eternity of the soul of modern people after death may just be as the eternal existence of electronic data.
The fingers in the painting are made as an object with ambiguous size highlighting the loss of authenticity of human fingers that photography can bring. This is similar to the worship of "sacred bones" in religious practice, as if it is the origin of life, exuding light and sacred aura.
Every action of our body is an option, which means a clear difference with others. Every hierophany we look at is also an historical fact.
So is every digital device linked with our body.
* “Gnothi sauton” means "Concern yourselves with yourselves".
*“tuā manū ,per tuam manum” means “By Your hand”
"digitus digitālis" channel 1, 四屏幕视频第一部分.password:1 .
"digitus digitālis" channel 2, 四屏幕视频第二部分.password:2 .
"digitus digitālis" channel 3, 四屏幕视频第三部分 password:3 .
"digitus digitālis" channel 4, 四屏幕视频第四部分 password:4 .